client Location Labs for AT&T FamilyMap
While working at LocationLabs, I had the opportunity to reimagine AT&Tâs FamilyMap for Windows8. An outdated iOS product already existed so with this opportunity, we gave it a fresh face and updated look. Much of the design was informed by Windows8 design conventions and their drive for flatter, sharper UI elements.
Due to the popularity of the Win8 app design, AT&T asked that their mobile app be updated as well. Apart from additional functionality, much of the design was ported over and only adjusted for viewport size and device standards.
Due to limitations of the technology at the time, exact locations could not be guaranteed. Thus, the visual treatment of the location and messaging around it needed to reflect that while also giving the parent confidence in the accuracy it did have.
Colors used needed to work on both the map and satellite views while also accommodating color-blindness.
AT&T FamilyMap: Landscape View
AT&T FamilyMap: Color Study
AT&T FamilyMap: Icons
AT&T FamilyMap: Mobile View
AT&T FamilyMap: Location Fail
AT&T FamilyMap: Satellite View