client Illumina
Reinvent what a scientific instrument looks like, acts like, and is.
Partnering with experts in industrial design as well as an incredible team of product managers, lab technicians, bioinformaticians, and engineers, I focused on creating a holistic experience -- one where the user interface was as much a part of the instrument as was the physical box, screen, and lightbar.
Conventional UI is kept to a minimum allowing typography to be the star and motion is used to focus the user to the next action.
The instrument status is messaged via the lightbar through color and motion so as to be visible from across the lab while more detailed information is displayed on the screen. And although the lightbar was extremely energy efficient, we programmed in an automatic “dim” setting after 5 minutes which also made the instrument feel more responsive when the lab technician returned as it would brighten to it’s former state upon interaction via the touchscreen or keyboard.
Simplicity, clarity, and beauty. Visible from across the lab, the lightbar communicates the status of the instrument. Up close, the screen reflects the lightbar and gives the lab technician more detailed information on run specifics.
The animation flowchart which created the architecture for both the lightbar and user inputs.